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Sweden vs. Switzerland

Sweden vs. Switzerland cijela utakmica

World Cup 2018

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2018
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Round of 16
Krestovsky (Sankt-Peterburg)
3. Srpanj 2018.

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  1. sainte67 4. Srpanj 2021. 15:44

    Match assez fermé entre 2 équipes assez proches l'une de l'autre. Des occasions de part et d'autres mais beaucoup de maladresses. Une flopée de corners qui n'ont rien données. La Suède mérite sa victoire avec un brin de chance sur la déviation d'Akanji. La Nati s'est réveillée bien trop tard. Information : il manque le match entre la 55' et la 58'.

  2. Baljan 3. Ožujak 2020. 16:58

    The second commentator is probably the worst, most ignorant and disrespectful I’ve ever heard. He seems like he doesnt want to be there, complaining about how ”boring” the match is and constantly making comments (mostly bad) about the players. I’m glad I saw this game with swedish commentators and not this idiot.

  3. gerelsalaito
    gerelsalaito 16. Studeni 2020. 02:23

    And the game was not bad, many goal situations in each areas.