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Liverpool FC vs. 1. FC Köln

Liverpool FC vs. 1. FC Köln cijela utakmica

European Cup 1964-1965


Atmosphere sound comes on at 03:26, and commentary at 04:00. *SPOILER ALERT* Liverpool would eventually go through on a coin toss.

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European Cup 1964-1965
Quarter-finals, play-off
De Kuip (Rotterdam)
23. Ožujak 1965.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Carola 16. Lipanj 2020. 01:24

    O número 8 (Löhr) do FC Koln entra em campo mancando, antes de iniciar o 2º tempo. O 2º tempo inicia no tempo 48:41 do vídeo.

  2. Patbou 15. Travanj 2020. 13:57

    Thanks for the match, maybe not a great idea to put the spoiler in the information section as there is almost no way not to read the mention spoiler without reading the following sentence. If you have no other place to put the information, please enlarge the space between the word Spoiler and whatever we want to avoid to read if we want to watch not knowing what will happen.

  3. Santiago 11. Svibanj 2017. 09:42

    Hay un error en el portero. Evidentemente no es Toni Harald Schumacher, que sólo tenía 11 años. El portero era Anton "Toni" Schumacher, nacido en 1938, que fue portero del Colonia entre 1960 y 1968.

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 11. Svibanj 2017. 09:45

    Tienes toda la razón. Se nos había escapado ese error. Ya está corregido. Gracias por avisar :-)