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Germany vs. Italy

Germany vs. Italy cijela utakmica

Friendly 1955

Prenio korisnik: Satori1 Komentara3441 PogledaNema komentatora

The Italian team was actually managed by a technical committee formed by Angelo Schiavio, Luciano Marmo, Giuseppe Pasquale and Luigi Tenorio, while Alfredo Foni was the trainer.

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Neckarstadion (Stuttgart)
30. Ožujak 1955.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Porco 6. Travanj 2020. 09:37

    No sound ?

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 11:13

    No, this match has no sound unfortunately. We made a great effort to identify the players and their numbers looking at old pictures so everyone can follow the game more easily.

  3. Porco
    Porco 18. Travanj 2020. 09:56

    Ok I watched it with a crowd sound effect from YouTube. I could not be much concentrated but I reached the end so I can say I watched it entirely lol

  4. Porco
    Porco 18. Travanj 2020. 09:58

    Could it be possible to display a "watched" icon on the videos like on YouTube. I have a chronological way of watching the games and I'd like to be sure of what I saw or not and what is new in the games database etc

  5. Juan
    Juan 4. Srpanj 2021. 20:12
