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FC Porto vs. Sporting CP

FC Porto vs. Sporting CP cijela utakmica

Primeira Liga 2002-2003


Celebration of Porto's League title.

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  1. Lukittaz 7. Prosinac 2020. 12:36


  2. 1Pedr0 5. Lipanj 2020. 13:38

    Good afternoon, Is it possible to see this game in Portuguese? Or put a link to see it? best regards Great work

  3. jonnyPCole 25. Ožujak 2020. 09:01

    estoy en acuerdo, Ronaldo estaba tan joven aqui, bueno partido

  4. rahmanahmadi 3. Travanj 2019. 20:21

    Why C.Ronaldo's matches is 372 and Messi's matches is more than 600 matches??? You are Messi fan??

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 4. Travanj 2019. 09:52

    The number of matches of one player is completely unrelated to the number of another. When we upload matches, it's always on account of the quality of the match or its historic relevance. Also, the users decide what they share, so it's their opinion or preference.

  6. Nadim 7. Kolovoz 2018. 14:31

    Is there any way to check what resolution I am watching this in? Also, please try and find Sporting CP vs Moreirense: Cristiano scores his first goal in that game, please try and find in the highest quality possible.

  7. Ruutu
    Ruutu 24. Kolovoz 2018. 11:20

    The file's resolution is 360p. You won't find better than this, though. Even if you find a Portuguese recording from SportTV it'll probably be around the same resolution.

  8. Nadim
    Nadim 31. Kolovoz 2018. 15:19

    Yep. SportTV has in it 480p, I believe. Thanks for the info.

  9. Brabuz 18. Srpanj 2018. 17:12

    Very good!