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FC Porto vs. GD Chaves

FC Porto vs. GD Chaves cijela utakmica

Primeira Liga 2018-2019

Prenio korisnik: Ruutu1 Komentara2672 PogledaPortugalski
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  1. zaidiker 11. Rujan 2018. 01:35

    there's no better quality ??

  2. Ruutu
    Ruutu 11. Rujan 2018. 13:53

    You can always buy me an elGato HD60 capture card or do it by yourself. That and/or donate a whole chunk of money to this website(or subscribe to their Master subscription) so they can pay servers to keep HD copies of matches. This isn't run by Google or any other mega corp with tons of money and servers. This is run by volunteers with uploads being done by volunteering, who risk have the site being shutdown by possible copyright strikes. If you have this match here at least enjoy it. If you can find a better quality recording, send to them, knowing the limitations you have to upload here due to servers constraints.