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Argentina vs. Romania

Argentina vs. Romania match complet

Friendly 1982

Par Satori2 Commentaires1072 VuesEspagnol
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Gigante de Arroyito (Rosario)
12 mai 1982

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  1. socratead mardi 02 mars 2021 00h33

    I have never seen in a friendly game a vicious foul such as the one made by Passarella to Camataru (first half in the 44th minute). Moreover, there was no prior incident and the game was a clean one. Suddenly Passarella plays dirty and hits Camataru forcing him leave the field. Passarella deserved a red card for his utterly retarded behaviour. Bad sportsmanship.

  2. Superman dimanche 20 décembre 2020 02h52

    Maradona, Kempes y Ramon Diaz Tremenda delantera