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Ajouter un commentaire
African teams are allways very violent.
Vuela alto Diego allá en la eternidad
Maradona says that this game did a lot for racism in Italy. Because the whole of Italy (except Naples) supported Cameroon.
A lot of people dislike this tournament, and I can understand why. But for me, the 1990 World Cup will always be special. This was the first World Cup that I ever watched. I was 14 that summer, and had recently started playing soccer. I was obsessed with the sport at the time. I remember going nuts when Cameroon scored. I hated Argentina and their negative tactics throughout this tournament, and I was glad when they ultimately lost. They were a far cry from their brilliance of 1986, and Maradona was a shadow of his former self. This tournament made me a fan of African football, and to this day, I still pull for the African teams.
l love Argentina & Fan of Maradona.
@socratead I hope you realize this is a replay and not the live commentary. Just enjoy the good quality of the copy
Very bad idea with this commentary. Very dangerous action on the field and he recalls his time as a professor? I appreciate information around the game, however, he has 90 minutes to say his stories and he should choose the right moments to teel them. Very unprofessional to show such disinterest in what happens in the field and continue to say what you want to say! Please find another commentary...
Viva el futbol
Con el arbitraje de hoy en día, Argentina ganaba todos los partidos del mundial por acumulación de expulsados: cada vez que maradona toca la pelota en el torneo, le van a pegar sin excepción. Con suerte conseguía eludir la patada y gambetear, como con Brasil en octavos, y ahí era jugada de gol. Camerún gano este partido con dos tipos menos, pero mereció mínimo las cuatro o cinco necesarias para descalificarlo del partido.
Muy bien el comentarista extranjero contando su experiencia en Buenos Aires, unas buenas patadas dieron los africanos.
tiene el commento en italiano?
Nothing that quite drains the atmosphere as much as "retrospective" commentaries added on years later. Makes the match feel stale. Would love to see this famous match in a better version.