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Playful enjoyable game held at the then pocket sized Stade de Venoix. If neither team iis exactly a powerhouse of French Football, this Caen side ended up with an European spot while Lens finished in the top half of the the table at the end of this season .
Players on the pitch aren't household names among the ones a bit more memorable the one that stands out the most is keeper Bernard Lama who dressed for les Bleus is the more famous one. Also we have to regret the passing of the then failing prospect Stéphane Paille who probably had his best playing years with Stade Malherbe. He passed away june the 27th. Finally let's mention the brother of Basile Boli , Roger Boli who would later be the golden boot of the French Championship in 94
Video quality is more than watchable it remains a VCR digitally transfered but it looks good on the computer screen. Production values are your Canal Plus quality of the time. Interestingly enough we get to see some pre game activities and half time activities also. Fashion wise You have to smile at the shirt wore by Didier Roustan for his tactical preview.
Another thing worth mentionning is the presence of Jesper Olsen the left winger at the twilight of his carrer works as a defender with the Caen outfit.